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"You can't think yourself into new ways of acting; you can only act yourself into new ways of thinking."

-Marsha Linehan

Areas of Expertise

Therapeutic expertise:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Functional Family Therapy

Mindfulness training

Positive parenting

Behavior modification

I am frequently asked "What ages of clients do you work with?"

At this time I reserve approximately 70% of my caseload to work with adolescents and young adults (ages 12-25). Supporting adolescents is my primary area of expertise, training and practice. The other 30% of my caseload is a mixture of young children, adult women and couples. 

All along we have been asking our children to follow us but I think maybe we have had it backward. Observing and following the ways of the children around us might be the greatest way to find the joy we all are searching for.

My Approach

"To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly."-Brene Brown

I whole heartedly believe that engaging in the therapeutic process is one of the most courageous acts that we can give to ourselves and those we love. We are all similar in the truth that we will all experience emotional pain, yet what continues to be the most humbling part of the work I am called to do is the willingness and bravery of those whom walk into my doors and therefore walk into my heart.

Our first 1-2 sessions will include an assessment of emotional/behavioral symptoms, evaluation of needs and creation of a treatment plan. We will determine the frequency of our sessions which are subject to change throughout the process based on growth and needs. Each session is approximately 50 minutes (unless otherwise determined).

Wouldn't it be refreshing to enjoy life as much as a kid likes to run through the sprinklers. Ridding ourselves of the requirements, expectations and judgments that we and others have set upon us is critical to living the fulfilling life we are designed to live. 

My Approach
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